Winter is a good time for journaling, whether just writing, drawing, or combining both in a visual journal. For several years I wrote in a journal daily, life changed and I got away from that morning routine. A few months ago I discovered art or visual journaling. Although I sketched a little in my journals before, the idea of a journal filled with not only words, but drawing, painting and ephemera, limited only by your imagination, was very intriguing to me.
I’ve actually found myself doing both lately, a writing journal again and a visual journal. One seems to help the other for me. I started reading The Artist’s Way and doing what is referred to in the book as morning pages. The idea is to clear your head of random thoughts to make way for creativity. I’m enjoying getting back to this in the morning with my coffee and Bible time. Plus, I bought a really nice Italian leather journal that I love to hold and I have a couple of great wooden pens made by the Beekeeper. It all adds to the fun!
I found this new book (new to me) that I am really enjoying, about keeping a visual journal. It is actually two books in one.
You can get it as a combo book, The Complete Decorated Journal, or as individual books The Decorated Journal
and The Decorated Page
It is filled with information on visual journaling, supplies, tips, examples…etc.
I’m loving all the ideas and pictures of other people’s journals. Very inspiring read!
These are a couple of example journals, from the above book, that I felt the need to have in my own library….
I LOVE this book, Muriel Foster’s Fishing Diary . I’m amazed at the detail, and the love that went into this journal. So thrilled that it was printed for others to enjoy.
This is another example of a beautiful thoughtful journal, In and Out of the Garden.
~ and….here is what I’ve been working on in my journal lately ~
Happy Journaling!
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